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100 Thousand ATOM 35mm Air Burst Ammunition Electronics Produced

100 Thousand ATOM 35mm Air Burst Ammunition Electronics Produced

ASELSAN produces ATOM 35 mm Air Burst Ammunition electronics within the 35 mm Air Defence System Modernization (Hava Savunma Sistemi Modernizasyonu / HSSM) and Particle Ammunition Supply (Parçacıklı Mühimmat Tedariki /PMT). The contract was signed with Presidency of Defence Industries on December 29, 2017.

The concept of air burst ammunition increased the efficiency of the gun systems against air-to-surface missiles, UAVs. The idea is basically to create a cloud of particles with high kinetic energy and penetration capability on the path of the threat and hit targets that are very difficult to collide with the classical ammunitions. ASELSAN’s 35 mm Airburst Ammunition is developed in this concept’s scope and is highly efficient against small and fast air threats. ​

100 Thousand ATOM 35mm Air Burst Ammunition Electronics Produced

ATOM 35mm Air Burst Ammunition developed by ASELSAN is smart ammunition having a base fuse. The barrelled guns’ effectiveness is increased with Air Burst Ammunition, and they become an essential option for small and high-speed targets. Together with precise time counting and the capability to be programmed during firing by considering muzzle velocity; ATOM 35mm Air Burst Ammunition provides high hit probability against various air and land targets.

100 Thousand ATOM 35mm Air Burst Ammunition Electronics Produced