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76 mm Gun Installation to Future TCG İstanbul

76 mm Gun Installation to Future TCG İstanbul

Turkiye continues indigenous shipbuilding activities. 76 mm gun is installed at the TCG İstanbul, and which fitting procedure is ongoing at İstanbul NavalShipyard. The ship is spotted during the launching ceremony of PNS Khaibar (282)

TCG İstanbul is seen with working scaffolds at the mast and other different sections. Not many electronics can be seen, but the 76 mm gun is clearly spotted on the bow. Turkiye selected 76 mm guns for İstanbul Class frigates. The guns are known to have less effective than 127 mm guns for ground bombardment tasks. But 76 mm Compatto offers one of the best efficiencies in the world for close-in weapon system purposes thanks to the high rate of fire.

76 mm Gun Installation to Future TCG İstanbul

(Screen Shot from twitter broadcast)

Turkiye is also carrying out indigenous 76 mm gun activities under the responsibility of MKE Inc. The system is integrated into Burak Class corvette (Former French D’Estienne D’Orves Aviso) for sea trials and successfully announced the finished test.