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ADİK Launched Qatar’s LCM

ADİK Launched Qatar’s LCM

Anadolu Shipyard (ADİK) launched "Landing Craft Mechanised" QL 40 last week for the Qatar Navy at the TuzlaShipyard with a ceremony. The ship is scheduled to be delivered to the Qatar Navy in August 2022 and Qatar in September.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Vice President and CEO of ADİK Süalp Ürkmez said, "We are introducing to the sea one of the most popular Landing Craft kinds, in which our shipyard specialises. This ship, whose features were revealed, is the world"s largest and fastest Landing Craft Mechanised (LCM). Its unique design allows it to successfully execute shallow waters" amphibious and humanitarian relief operations.

ADİK Launched Qatar’s LCM

It can load two 60-ton tanks with its 130-ton carrying capacity, putting this ship in an exceptional class. With the machine and jet system specially developed for its design, its speed at sea is very high, and its manoeuvrability is superior to similar ships. I want to thank and congratulate our shipyard team, who developed the design of this particular project. We would also like to congratulate Türk Loydu, which approved the entire structure of the ship as an independent inspection company and performed the manufacturing controls.

ADİK Launched Qatar’s LCM

Again, I would like to thank the engineers of our shipyard. These two ships you see were brought to the sea-launching stage in just 7.5 months. In the coming months, port acceptance tests and sea tests will be carried out, and it will be ready for delivery in less than 12 months."