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Agosta 90B Delivery to Pakistan

Agosta 90B Delivery to Pakistan

STM continues to export successes in the foreign market. In this line, the second of three Agosta 90B, PNS Khalid (S 137) modernised and delivered to the Pakistan Navy. The first boat of the project was finished and delivered in April 2021.

Agosta 90B Delivery to Pakistan

Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) modernisation of three submarines is carried out under the STM"s responsibility according to the agreement. As part of the activities, the entire sonar suite of the three ships, the periscope, the command and control, radar and electronic support systems were replaced or upgraded. Havelsan and ASELSAN also made contributions to the project. Pressure hulls of vessels, as well as critical structural components also repaired. On the other hand, the rest of the necessary parts have been enhanced. System and platform integration processes are also carried out. DM2A4 533 mm heavy torpedo capability was also integrated into the Agosta 90Bs.

Underwater vessels can reach 8,500 nautical miles operation range of 9 knots with a snorkel and 350 nautical miles range at 3.5 knots without a snorkel. Submarines are also equipped with MESMA Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) system. The submerged cruise range is 1,950 nautical miles, with MESMA at a speed of 3.5 knots. Agosta 90B submarines offer critical long-range high-endurance patrol capability in open waters. Because of this reason, modernised and upgraded vessels provide a significant power multiplier to the user when surface combatant asymmetry between Pakistan and India is considered.