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Alpin Ready for Mission

Alpin Ready for Mission

Turkish Defence Company TITRA is showcasing its products at SAHA Expo. Alpin is in the booth area of Titra and the Deli loitering munition. The company has artificial intelligence expertise.

Alpin is an unmanned helicopter using a manned platform which offers all-weather operation capability with 200 kilograms payload. The endurance of an unmanned aerial system is about 9 hours, while the control radius is 200 kilometres. A user-friendly interface offers easy operation. Flight safety is also in design priority. Alpin can perform autorotation landing during engine loss. The UAV was used in 2021 summer during Manavgat Wild Fire for observation missions.

Alpin can perform different tasks, including reconnaissance, surveillance, relay and logistical support with different payload configurations. Since the system is in VTOL configuration, Alpin doesn’t require any prepared field for take-off, landing, launch or recovery.Titra developed an AI-assisted image processing algorithm to detect or identify targets. Helicopter configuration brings operation capability in mountain areas or inaccessible regions during winter due to heavy snow layers. This allows for providing logistical support to friendly elements when necessary.One of the most significant advantages of Alpin is the ease of component acquisition. Thanks to its infrastructure, the system can be offered to any user without international restrictions.