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An Olive Branch to Egypt, Velvet Glove to Greece

An Olive Branch to Egypt, Velvet Glove to Greece

Minister of Defence Hulusi Akar accompanied by Chief of General Staff Gen. Yaşar Güler, Land Forces Commander Gen. Ümit Dündar, Air Forces Commander Gen. Hasan Küçükakyüz and Naval Forces Commander Admiral Adnan Özbal attended the Blue Homeland 2021 Exercise at the Aegean Sea. Akar and the delegation followed the drill at the TCG ORUÇREİS frigate.

Stating that the Turkish Armed Forces are successfully continuing their activities in more than one operation field, Akar pointed out on works carried out at all forces. Minister Akar said, “Our Blue Homeland Exercise is an exercise conducted entirely within the framework of international law to increase our experience, knowledge and skills. Our Army, Navy, Air Forces, Gendarmerie General Command and Coast Guard elements participate in this exercise. “I consider that this exercise made significant contributions to improving our ability to work together.”

An Olive Branch to Egypt, Velvet Glove to Greece

Akar underlined that Turkey fulfils all its national and international duties. “At the same time as the exercise, we continue our other national, international and NATO missions with the same determination. In an era of increasing risks, threats and dangers, NATO solidarity has become even more important. In this regard, we have a very constructive, planned and programmed relationship within NATO.”

An Olive Branch to Egypt, Velvet Glove to Greece

Minister Akar passed some messages to Egypt and Greece.

Akar, drawing attention to Turkey and Greece’s problems, said, “We are open to negotiations on this issue, and we wish to use all peaceful ways and methods”.

Akar has also evaluated Egypt’s decision to open a tender for hydrocarbon exploration in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Akar stated that Turkey welcomes Egypt’s decision to declare tender by respecting Turkey’s previous declaration to the UN.

An Olive Branch to Egypt, Velvet Glove to Greece

“This is a significant development, and we expect it to continue. We have many historical and cultural values in common with Egypt. With the activation of these, we consider that there may be additional developments in the coming days. I want it to be known that this decision taken by Egypt, these works carried out by respecting our maritime jurisdictions, is in line with our work and benefiting the rights and interests of the Egyptian people. In the upcoming period, we consider that studies such as agreements, and memoranda of understanding with Egypt in line with our maritime jurisdiction limits that we have declared to the UN. In this regard, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues the necessary work in coordination with relevant institutions, organizations and ministries. These studies are being carried out, and we expect them to yield positive results. “

An Olive Branch to Egypt, Velvet Glove to Greece