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ANKA UAVs can Detect Naval Mines Now

ANKA UAVs can Detect Naval Mines Now

President of Defence Industries (SSB) Professor İsmail Demir said that Turkish UAVs had gained new capabilities. Meteksan’s MILSAR will detect naval mines that pose threats to maritime.

Following the Russia- Ukraine war, a new threat has emerged at the Black Sea. Some naval mines are no longer chained. They are free, and so far, three of them have appeared in Turkish waters, and two were close to Istanbul Straits. The Turkish Navy is conducting searches intensively to detect the mines on time. The SSB has added a new capacity to the Turkish UAVs to ease the searches. Turkish Aerospace UAV ANKA is now equipped with Meteksan’s MILSAR SAR radar. According to Demir’s words, the ANKAs with MILSAR will assist such missions.

ANKA UAVs can Detect Naval Mines Now

TurDef, on the other hand, learned that the MILSAR has a specific capacity to detect the mines. It does not require additional software or algorithm to detect them. The mine is seen in real-time. The precaution against the mines is taken at once. The MILSAR is not in the inventory yet.

ANKA UAVs can Detect Naval Mines Now

MILSAR SAR/MTI UAV Radar is designed to be used on airborne platforms for intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, deterrence, and attack operations. It has versatile Moving Target Indication (MTI) for detecting and tracking potential targets and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) modes for high resolution and all-weather radar imagery, target classification and ground mapping.

ANKA UAVs can Detect Naval Mines Now

MILSAR detects and tracks potential targets, small, low-speed or fast-moving objects, even in adverse weather and low visibility conditions, including clouds and fog.