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Argentina Reaches Second-Hand F-16s for US$650 Million

Argentina Reaches Second-Hand F-16s for US$650 Million

Argentina purchased 24 second-hand Danish F-16A/B MLUs with AMRAAM and Sidewinder missiles for US$650 million. Argentina, which heavily suffered from the British embargo on the defence, modernised its air fleet. Argentina and the United Kingdom set in war in 1982 for the Falklands / Malvinas. The Kingdom has never forgotten this war and imposed an arms embargo on Argentina. After a long absence of a definite decision, Argentina seems to have found a solution to increase the potential of its air force. Some of his previous choices were between the new Tejas Mk1 fighter jet from India, the JF-17 from China, and the second-hand F-16A/B MLU from Denmark. According to Bulgarian Military, argentine President Javier Millay has reportedly opted for a used F-16. This information was revealed in the speech of the Head of State of Argentina on Wednesday, March 20. However, circumstances in Ukraine have slightly muddled the prospects for Danish F-16 deliveries to Argentina. Initial reports suggest that instead of selling F-16s to Argentina, Denmark may change its position to help Ukraine. Another source from Argentina stated that the purchase agreement from Denmark was worth 650 million US dollars. This cost includes not only 24 F-16A/B MLUs but also two types of missiles, namely the AIM-9 Sidewinder and AIM-120 AMRAAM.