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ASELFLIR-410 Integrated On T129 ATAK Helicopter

ASELFLIR-410 Integrated On T129 ATAK Helicopter

Despite only the back of the electro-optical system being seen, the shape of the gimbal and positions of the bolts suggest that ASELFLIR-410 is integrated into the T129 ATAK attack helicopter.

The current electro-optical system, ASELFLIR-300T, weighs 95 kg. This has caused an addition of weight on the tail to balance the electro-optics weight. ASELFLIR-410 has improved performance and a lower weight at slightly more than 57 kg.


ASELFLIR-410 is a militarized version of the ASELFLIR-400 electro-optical system with a laser designator to guide missiles like CİRİT and UMTAS. ASELFLIR-400/410 family of electro-optics are primarily intended for helicopter platforms but can be integrated on land platforms upon need.

The new electro-optical system’s performance parameters are listed as:

  • MWIR Camera Resolution: 1024x768 px
  • SWIR Camera Resolution: 640x512 px
  • Day Camera Resolution: 1920x1080 px
  • Laser Rangefinder Range: 30 km
  • Laser Designator Range: 30 km

For comparison, ASELFLIR-300T only features an LWIR camera with 1440x576 px resolution and a laser designator/rangefinder with a range of 20 km. The day camera has to be integrated in place of the laser designator.

The new optic has a wider range of sensor options and a significantly longer-ranged laser designator. This will be important for future munitions with longer ranges like UMTAS-GM, which will have a range of 20 km for helicopter-based launch.

ASELFLIR-410 was previously integrated into ROKETSAN’s KMC-U weapon system in place of the foreign electro-optic. KMC-U consists of a missile launcher unit with two slots and a 7.62 mm machine gun. The mast-mounted electro-optics allow for targeting behind the cover, increasing survivability.