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ASFAT: The Construction of PNS HAYBAR Continues in the PN MİLGEM Project

ASFAT: The Construction of PNS HAYBAR Continues in the PN MİLGEM Project

Turkish Defence Ministry company ASFAT Inc announced that the construction of PNS HAYBAR continues within the scope of the Pakistan PN MİLGEM project. ASFAT shared a post on the subject from its official social media account and said, “After the BABUR and BADR ships built within the scope of the PN MİLGEM Project, the outstanding work of Turkish engineers and workers, the biggest export of our Republic’s history, PNS HAYBAR is also getting ready for blue waters.”

With the agreement signed between Pakistan and Turkey on September 6, 2018, four PN MİLGEM corvettes will be included in the inventory of the Pakistan Navy. The configuration of the MİLGEM Corvette developed for the Pakistan Navy is called the ‘JINNAH Class Corvette’.

Two corvettes will be constructed at the Istanbul Shipyard Command, while the others will be constructed in Karachi, Pakistan.

The first PN MILGEM-class corvette, PNS Babur (F-280), built in Turkiye, was launched on August 15 2021, at the Istanbul Military Shipyard. PNS Babur is expected to enter the Pakistan Navy’s inventory in 2023.

ASFAT: The Construction of PNS HAYBAR Continues in the PN MİLGEM Project

With a displacement of 2,926 tons, the JINNAH Class Corvettes will have a tonnage between the ADA Class of 2,400 tons and the İstif Class of 3,000 tons.

MILGEM is a national warship program of Turkiye that the Turkish Navy manages. The project aims at developing surface combatant ships as Turkish design and building them in Turkish shipyards.

The corvettes will be armed with 1 × 76mm Oto Melara Super Rapid main gun, 1 × 35mm Aselsan GOKDENIZ dual barrelled CIWS, 16 cell VLS: MBDA Albatros NG system with CAMM-ER SAM or LY-80 SAM 6 × Anti-ship missiles

Main specifications:

Length108.2 m
Beam14.8 m
Draft4.05 m
Displacement2,926 tonnes
Max speed31 knots