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Bahrain to Refurbish 24 Surplus AH-1W Helicopters in $350M Deal

Bahrain to Refurbish 24 Surplus AH-1W Helicopters in $350M Deal

The estimated total cost is $350 million. The Defence Security Co-operation Agency (DSCA) delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale. Bahrain requested to buy equipment and services to refurbish 24 Excess Defence Article (EDA) AH-1W multi-role helicopters. Included are services to refurbish a full-motion Aircraft Procedures Trainer (APT), M272A1 missile launchers and spare T-700-GE-401 aircraft engines, spare parts, support, training, publications, and other related elements of logistics and programme support. The estimated total cost is $350 million.

marine corps AH-1W Helicopter.jpg

The principal contractor will be Bell Corporation, Fort Worth, TX.