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Barbaros’ 127 MM Firings Confirmed

Barbaros’ 127 MM Firings Confirmed

Turkish Navy’s Barbaros Class Frigate Half-Life Modernization Project continues with gun test fires. According to ASELSAN’s A Bulletin magazine, the Gun Fire Control System, developed within the project’s scope, was tested on the TCG BARBAROS Frigate.

Firing activities for the ballistic data (FCI-Fire Control Input) verification of ASELSAN’s 5/54 Gun Fire Control System (TAKS) prototype were carried out on the TCG BARBAROS Ship.

Turkish Navy ARMERKOM’s (Research Centre Command) experience on 76 mm Gun Fire Control System was the base for the works. The gun was used in the GABYA (Former Perry) Class Frigate and MİLGEM Class Corvettes. This activity was also the first example of verifying ballistic data in the marine environment in Turkey.

Barbaros’ 127 MM Firings Confirmed

NABK (NATO Armaments Ballistic Kernel) is used in the 5/54 Ball Fire Control System. The 5/54 Gun Fire Control System can solve the fire control problem by using the necessary input data in line with the commands it receives, taking the 5/54-gun control and target data, and making ballistic calculations to establish the correct firing principles for land, surface and air targets. The triaxle movements of the platforms above the sea cause significant deviations in such shots. For this reason, adapting to instant changes in calculations makes a difference.

Within the framework of modernisation works, approximately 200 shots were fired.

Turkish KoçSavunma engineering company contributed to the test-fire validations. The company’s offshore and inshore weapon scoring system is capable of scoring surface shooting. Utilising smart buoys, the system detects with high precision where munition impacts to water. The sensors detect the sound generated upon the munition’s impact on and under the surface with different buoys.

Barbaros’ 127 MM Firings Confirmed