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Bluehomeland (Mavi Vatan) Exercise Began

Bluehomeland (Mavi Vatan) Exercise Began

The exercise aims to evaluate the navy’s readiness to war: It tests mission groups fundamental manoeuvres. Secondly, it develops new capabilities for Naval operation and joint operations. Third, it serves to investigate new opportunities to cooperate with other forces and mutual support capabilities and increase the level of readiness to war.

Turkish Armed Forces attend to drill with 82 vessels, five Marine Patrol Aircraft (MPA), 12 anti-submarine warfare helicopter, unmanned aerial vehicles, amphibian marine corps, SAT/SAS units.

Bluehomeland (Mavi Vatan) Exercise Began

Utility and attack helicopters from land forces,

F-16, F-4 fighter jets and Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft from Turkish Air force,

Search and Rescue teams from Gendarmerie,

Coast Guard Boats from Coast Guard Command attended.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles will participate in the drill at the operation and tactical level. Live fire and air defence drill will be executed at surface vessels against high-speed unmanned target drones.

Bluehomeland (Mavi Vatan) Exercise Began

Bluehomeland drill was first executed in 2019.The drill started on February 25th and executed as Command Post Exercise (CPX). The actual exercise begins on March 1st.

What is CPX

A Command Post Exercise (CPX) typically focuses on staff’s battle-readiness, such as a particular Unified Combatant Command or one of its components at any level. It may run parallel with an FTX or its equivalent or as a stand-alone event for headquarters staff only with a heavy emphasis on simulated events.