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Bozdoğan to be fired from UAV

Bozdoğan to be fired from UAV

“Some countries like Azerbaijan and Pakistan congratulated Turkey and asked for further information about Project. We can say that they are interested in using Turkish Air to Air missile in their forces, but it is too early to speak about export. There are still issues waiting to be solved for domestic production. Once it is solved, we have to produce for our Turkish Air Force first,” the source commented on the condition of anonymity. The source stated that Bozdoğan is expected to be in the inventory by 2022. The system uses the same pylon connection of Sidewinder 9x. Exporting Bozdoğan may come into the agenda by 2023 at best. The source said in sum:

For this reason, it will be easy to integrate different missiles. The pylon, however, needs to be produced in Turkey. Studies are going on the Project. Home-grown pylon will make possible to export missile to non-Sidewinder user air forces as well.

Bozdoğan to be fired from UAV

The Bozdoğan might be integrated into armed UAVs. It is known that this is possible.

Bozdoğan to be fired from UAV

The missile has its high manoeuvre capability thanks to its trust vector systems. The system is produced locally in Turkey. It provides very high G manoeuvre capability, but it is kept confidential.

Bozdoğan to be fired from UAV

The IIR sensor used in Bozdoğan is not Turkish. It is imported. The IIR sensor is one of the most critical Technologies of the missile. It should be produced locally. There are studies on the subject within the Turkish industry. Bozdoğan will not be dependent on foreign IIR sensor in the long run.

Bozdoğan to be fired from UAV

Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) target drone Şimşek indeed imitates RF frequencies. Şimşek’s jet engine is tiny and does not produce too much IR signature for tracking. For this reason, Şimşek has a second version. It provides a IR signature like Banshee target drones. The increased IR signature is still less than fighter jet IR trace, and Bozdoğan can still track and lock on the IR.

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Tübitak) Defence Industries Research and Development Institute (SAGE) has designed the Stand-Of-Missile (SOM), and Roketsan produced it. This time the production rate will be lower. Tübitak SAGE may have serial production responsibility this time.

Bozdoğan to be fired from UAV

Bozdoğan will be fitted under the wing of fighter aircraft. It means it will increase the radar cross-section of aircraft. Turkish fighter aircraft (TF-X) will have stealth technology. In this case, Bozdoğan must fit into the inner bay of TF-X. Such studies are planned but not functional. TUSAŞ must terminate the Critical Design Review (CDR) of aircraft.