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BUKSparrow for Ukraine

BUKSparrow for Ukraine

The US continues to supply weapons and defence systems to Ukraine. The U.S. is planning to deliver RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missiles to Ukraine.

After the M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) information, another news came for weapons aid. Media sources claim that the U.S. is planning to send RIM-7 missiles to Ukraine. It is known that the defenders achieved significant success with western air defence systems against Russian cruise missile attacks. Sea Sparrows served as a ship-based weapon and saw little ground operation. But Ukrainian soldiers are planning to use them as a land-based system.Local media claimed that the Ukrainian air defence units would use RIM-7 Sea Sparrows on GM-569 mounted TEL (Transport Erector Launcher) vehicle of 9K37M1 Buk-M1 (NATO Reporting Name: SA-11 Gadfly) system. According to local media, the Ukrainian side successfully integrated with RIM-7 missiles into the SA-11 TEL platform. Both systems use semi-active radar homing guidance. Some control infrastructure and radar frequency adjustments make this combination possible. It is known that Poland successfully integrated Sea Sparrow and RIM-162 ESSM system to 2K12 Kub (NATO Reporting Name: SA-6 Gainful) but never passed beyond the prototype stage before.