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Damen proposes SIGMA 11515 to the Greek Navy

Damen proposes SIGMA 11515 to the Greek Navy

Greek Navy received its seventh proposal from Damen Shipyard, according to Naval News. It is stated that Damen offers SIGMA 11515 frigate to Greece. SIGMA 11515 is a variant of 10514, which is already in service within several navies. 

This configuration features an integrated mast with APAR radar, 16x Mk41 VLS, a 76mm main gun, at least 2x Narwhal 20mm remote weapon stations, 8x NSM anti-ship missiles and a RAM launcher. The vessel has a length of 119 meters and a full load displacement of 4,400 tons.

The Hellenic Navy wants to build new frigates and find a “stop-gap” solution besides upgrading in-service Hydra-class frigates.

Damen states that the Hellenic Navy showed interest in 1151 design during initial talks more than one year ago. Damen proposes building all four SIGMA 11515 to be built locally in Greece. The offer includes the life cycle support of the four frigates. The proposal has two alternative intermediate solutions; either two Karel Doorman class offered by the Netherlands Government or two SIGMA 10514 to be locally built.

Damen and Thales Netherlands also propose updating Hydra class frigates as well. The offer has a financial aspect as well. The Dutch government proposes financing arrangement via Dutch state export credit agency Atradius. New frigates will have a price tag of below 600 Million Euros per ship locally built.