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Defence Ministry: drifting mine destections are successful

Defence Ministry: drifting mine destections are successful

The Ministry of Defence (MSB) announced that the drifting naval mine detection tests were completed. The ministry stated that the tests were conducted at Aksaz Naval Base using SAR systems on ANKA-B UAVs. Yesterday, the President of Defence Industries (SSB), Professor İsmail Demir, announced that Meteksan's Milsar radar was used for the same trials.

MSB said, "Our Navy has completed the drifting mine naval detection tests in Aksaz Naval Base using ASELSAN"s Sarper and METEKSAN"s Milsar radar systems” on the official Twitter account. The SAR systems were installed on ANKA-B UAVs.

Defence Ministry: Trials to detect drifting mines are successful

The SSB did not specify where the trials were conducted in yesterday"s post.

With the Russian occupation of Ukraine, the problem of drifting naval mines arose in the Black Sea. Russia has announced that Ukrainian mines are freely dispersed in the Black Sea. Shortly after Russia"s announcement, three mines were seen in the Istanbul Straits. This situation surprised the experts because the mines reached Turkish shores at least 15 days earlier than expected. Defence Minister Hulusi Akar expressed concerns that the mines went the strait by unorthodox methods.