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EJDER YALÇIN has Automatic Mortar Now

EJDER YALÇIN has Automatic Mortar Now

Nurol Makina, manufacturer of EJDER YALÇIN 4X4 Armoured Combat Vehicle has unveiled its mortar configuration. ASELSAN’s ALKAR 120 mm Mortar Weapon System has been integrated on the vehicle. Nurol Makina aims to meet Turkish Armed Forces, Gendarmerie and foreign users requirement.

Ejder Yalçın Mortar vehicle has successfully completed the qualification tests.

Ejder Yalçın Mortar is designed to supress crested enemies. Commando, Infantry, Motorized and Mechanized Infantry units may use in conventional and asymmetric operating environments.

Ejder Yalçın 4X4

EJDER YALÇIN 4x4 Armoured Combat Vehicle has high protection and mobility and it is developed to meet the operational requirements of military units and security forces in every region including rural and urban areas.

By its unique design and high payload capacity, different payloads can be integrated; therefore EJDER YALÇIN 4x4 can be customized for various mission. With its diesel engine, torque capability and fully independent suspension system, the vehicle offers off-road performance. During the development of EJDER YALÇIN 4x4, in addition to the superior protection features, user"s operational & ergonomic requirements were also considered and an ideal platform was created for the personnel to operate more efficiently and more secure in the field.


ALKAR 120 mm Mortar Weapon System, originally designed entirely by ASELSAN including sub-systems, is a modern weapon system integrated on a turret equipped with Automatic Barrel Laying System, Automatic Ammunition Loading System, Recoil Mechanism and Fire Control Systems.

ALKAR 120 mm Mortar Weapon System General Specifications

• Integration of any kind of domestic / foreign rifled or smoothbore mortar barrel

• Modular system architecture enabling integration to tracked vehicles, tactical wheeled vehicles and stationary platforms

• Recoil Mechanism reducing the force transferred to the platform during shooting that increases the variety and number of platforms that system can be integrated

• Automatic Ammunition Loading system allowing precise, fast and safe loading of ammunitions

• Usibility with all kind of mortar ammunition

• Automatic and precise laying in accordance with the calculated fire command

• Precise position and barrel laying detection with Inertial Navigation System

• Generating position, direction, altitude data for navigation and displaying the route on the map

• Mission-oriented, coloured, graphical user interface

• Fast and accurate ballistic calculation by using ‘NATO Armaments Ballistic Kernel (NABK)’

• Muzzle velocity measurement

• Receiving meteorological data via digital communication

• Accurate ballistic calculation with the use of muzzle velocity and meteorological data

• Performing all mortar fire missions

• Demonstration of the Battlefield elements/information on a digital map

• Usability within any tactical and operational structuring

• Integration with AFSAS (ASELSAN Fire Support Automation System)

• Integration with Forward Observer Systems, Target Detection Radars and Meteorological Systems

• Manual and automatic modes of firing

• Emergency stop

EJDER YALÇIN has Automatic Mortar Now

Technical Specifications

• Barrel : 120 mm Rifled*

• Range

• Min : 1500 m*

• Max : 8000 m*

• Barrel Length : 1900 mm*

• Recoil Force : < 25 tonnes

• Time to Shoot : < 1 minute

• Time to Scoot : < 10 second

• Firing Sector

• Azimuth: ± 3200 milyem

• Elevation: 800 - 1200 milyem*

• Dimensions

• Width: 1450 mm

• Length: 2450 mm

• Height: 1100 mm

* Properties may vary according to the type of smooth/rifled barrel