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Elbit Presents SKYLARK 3 Israeli defence Company

Elbit Presents SKYLARK 3 Israeli defence Company

Elbit presented its SKYLARK 3 Hybrid UAV at theSingapore Airshow. Skylark 3 is a tactical mini UAV system (UAS) optimised for a dismounted and vehicle-based operation to deliver organic airborne ISTAR capabilities to the division, brigade and battalion levels.

The Hybris UAV is equipped with an electric and internal combustion engine, enabling the platform to triple its flight endurance to 18 hours, with no changes to its dimension. Skylark 3 is developed for covert operations, providing real-time intelligence day and night. Skylark 3 is equipped with a high-resolution, gimbaled and stabilised dual EO/IR payload to facilitate force and convoy protection, strategic infrastructure protection, border patrol and security operations. The hybrid version will increase endurance. According to the manufacturer, the aircraft uses its conventional to fly rapidly to an Area of Interest (AoI), then switches to the electrical engine while operating above the AoI to extend endurance. This architecture enables one to back up the other, providing reliability and safety. The significantly higher endurance of the Skylark 3 Hybrid is meant to give the forces greater capacity to hover above an AoI, noted the company, pointing out that the same mission can be executed with fewer UAVs.Elbit Presented SKYLARK 3 Israeli defence company The Skylark 3 Hybrid, which can be mounted on a vehicle or vessel, is launched via a pneumatic launcher and operated by two crew. According to Elbit, two UAVs can be simultaneously assigned to the same mission, managed by a shared ground control station. According to the manufacturer, the UAV uses its combustion engine to reach the Area of Interest (AoI) fast, then changes to the electrical engine while operating over the AoI. This architecture allows one to back up the other, increasing reliability and safety. According to the manufacturer, the significantly increased endurance of the Skylark 3 Hybrid is intended to offer forces with greater ability to hover above an AoI, resulting in fewer UAVs being required to complete the same objective. The Skylark 3 Hybrid is launched by a pneumatic launcher and controlled by a two-person crew. According to Elbit, two of these UAVs can be assigned to the same mission at the same time and managed by a shared ground control station.