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Elbit to Provide Systems for AS-21 Redback IFVs

Elbit to Provide Systems for AS-21 Redback IFVs

The total price tag of the deal is worth $600 million and spans a five-year period. The Israeli firm will provide sensors, electronics and protection systems for the AS-21 Redback IFV.
Elbit Systems has developed various solutions for armoured vehicles, such as fire control systems, laser warning systems, power distribution systems, and 360-degree see-through camera complexes.
AS-21 Redback is developed by ROK-based Hanwha for Australia’s Land 400 Phase 3 programme requirements to replace the ageing M113 armoured vehicles with modern ones. The vehicle is based on a tracked K21 IFV that is currently in service with the ROK Army. The decommissioned M113s will be converted into heavy unmanned ground vehicles to reduce risk for manned platforms and not waste resources.
AS-21, weighing 42 tonnes, is fitted with an EOS T-2000 turret for firepower. The turret incorporates a Bushmaster Mk44S 30x173 mm chain gun, a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun, and a 12.7 mm RCWS. The t-2000 turret provides firepower and a vital portion of protection measures such as an active protection system and smoke launchers.
With its weight, the vehicle is in the same category as other heavy IFVs like the KF-41 Lynx. The protection can be increased up to STANAG Level 6, which is protection against 25 mm APFSDS-T rounds with add-on armour.