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F-16 VISTA Upgrades with AI

F-16 VISTA Upgrades with AI

Artificial Intelligence has become a more critical factor for the modern battlefield. The U.S. Air Force continues to study to meet future requirements. In this line, F-16 VISTA (Variable In-Flight Simulator Aircraft) met with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Trial held over the Mojave Desert. The aircraft, which was previously known as NF-16D, was redesignated as X-62A in 2021 and took the skies from Edwards Air Force Base (AFB). Aircraft autonomously piloted by artificial intelligence while the U.S. Air Force aviator is on board. The platform took off with a different AI infrastructure two hours later after the flight. Edwards AFB has passed a new achievement with an experiment. New AI infrastructure will allow force to rapid flight test autonomy software regardless of the developer. Quick improvements on the algorithm-based result of trials can be implemented within hours.VISTA aircraft has been flying as simulator aircraft for years. The latest upgrades allow further improvements in algorithms, in-flight controllers and other computer-based processes. The U.S. Air Force is seeking to start Collaborative Combat Aircraft Program in 2024 as well.This capability can be looked at for test requirements. But it would be wrong to evaluate this just for training purposes. As well as training and trial, the modular architecture nature of new systems would allow further capabilities in the future. According to the TurDef Exclusive Analysis, new AI infrastructure may be used to reduce the mission load of the pilot. It is known that aviators have to train over similar geography to become familiar with the area of operation and gain muscle memory at low-level flights, especially for special tasks. This is taking weeks to months. But further development of modular AI infrastructure would allow for the reduction of this requirement and pave the way for quick adaptation to changing aspects of the battlefield.