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F-35 Surpasses 400,000 Flight Hours Globally

F-35 Surpasses 400,000 Flight Hours Globally

The global F-35 fleet has achieved 400,000 flight hours. According to the company figures, The F-35 availability rate increases while operational costs diminish.

The U.S. Air Force data shows the F-35A has the highest mission capable rates across the fighter fleet. The more than 400,000 flight hours encompass 235,329 sorties flown and 224 detachments and deployments completed across the international fleet. During a recent Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) exercise, Exercise Lightning Thunder, the RAAF flew more than 150 sorties and more than 50 weapons deliveries, all while maintaining a mission-capable rate of 80%. In addition, recent U.S. Air Force data shows the F-35A has the highest mission capable rates across the fighter fleet. The U.S. Air Force deployed 42 jets for 18 consecutive months in the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility. The Air Force flew more than 1,300 F-35A sorties with mission-capable rates of greater than 70%. Most importantly, pilots returned home safely every time.

F-35 Surpasses 400,000 Flight Hours Globally

F-35 procurement and sustainment cost continue to decrease with every delivery and flight hour. F-35 unit costs have decreased more than 70% since the beginning of the program – now at parity with legacy aircraft. Over the past five years, Lockheed Martin has lowered its controlled cost per flight hour by 44% and expects to lower it an additional 40% over the next five years. Lockheed Martin continues to leverage technology and partnerships with customers to lower sustainment costs to ensure the U.S. and our allies can affordably operate the F-35.