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F-39 is Operational

F-39 is Operational

Brazilian Air Force (FAB) held a ceremony at the Anápolis Air Base. Thus, Gripen E of the force became officially operational. Aircraft is currently deployed by the First Air Defence Group (1st GDA). The trial flight phase in Brazil started in September 2020 with the arrival of test aircraft. Procedures were conducted at the Gripen Flight Test Centre located at the Embraer plant.

F-39 is Operational

Saab received certification for the military use of the Gripen E in November, proving that the aircraft met certain airworthiness and flight safety requirements. This was an essential step before operational activities with the FAB. The process was granted by the Swedish and Brazilian military authorities, represented by the Swedish Military Aviation Safety Inspectorate (FLYGI) and the Industrial Fostering and Coordination Institute (IFI) in Brazil. The joint certification reflects the synergy obtained thru the technical cooperation between the two authorities in each country.

Brazil reaches modern fighter aircraft infrastructure with the F-39. The deal consists not only of fighter acquisition but also features an extensive ongoing technology transfer programme in Brazil and one of the largest ones ever done by any Swedish company, bringing to the Brazilian defence industry the knowledge to develop, produce, test and maintain an advanced supersonic fighter.