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FAB Reduces KC-390 Orders

FAB Reduces KC-390 Orders

According to the original schedule, Embraer should deliver three aircraft in 2021, three in 2022, four in 2023, three in 2024, four in 2025, four in 2026 and three in 2027. The FAB currently has four KC-390s in service with 1° Grupo de Transporte de Tropa (1°GTT “Esquadrão Zeus”), part of Ala (wing) 2 at Anápolis.

The delivery rate of two military transport jets per year suggests that the Air Force is expected to receive less than 20 aircraft in the future.

FAB Reduces KC-390 Orders

“The main issue concerns the expected number of 28 aircraft under the current contract, which, at this moment, has proved to be superior to the budgetary reality of the Force, both for acquisition and logistical support over time,” says the statement released by FAB.

FAB Reduces KC-390 Orders

The company still has five units ordered by Portugal and two planes under an agreement with Hungary. The order for 28 aircraft so far accounted for 80% of firm orders for the airlifter.