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German Navy Tested Anti-Drone Weapon

German Navy Tested Anti-Drone Weapon

Drone threat is also increasing against naval vessels. Countries are in search of proper weapons as an unmanned aerial system countermeasure. Lasers are also among the options.

German Navy tested HEL (High Energy Laser) weapon on board FGS Sachsen (F219). System tested in a pre-integrated configuration on a 20ft container. The system is loaded to the frigate in Kiel. The frigate successfully engaged short and very short-range threats during trial, according to the MBDA Deutschland and Rheinmetall Waffe Munition. The test was performed in the Baltic Sea, near Putlos Major Training Area, in late August. The HEL system will allow attack speed boats and loitering munitions as well. The weapon test phase will continue until mid-2023 in different environments and scenarios.

German Navy Tested Anti-Drone Weapon

Laser weapons are seen as one of the proper solutions against small-scale threats. Asymmetrical systems are hard to detect and engage with current weapons. The cost factor affects weapon usage as well. Laser systems provide cheap, agile and continuous solutions against such systems. But it is known that it takes time to destroy threats with lasers entirely.

German Navy Tested Anti-Drone Weapon