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German self-propelled howitzers in Ukraine are showing signs of wear

German self-propelled howitzers in Ukraine are showing signs of wear

There are initial problems with the German artillery systems in Ukraine. According to Spiegel information, some of the Panzerhaubitzen 2000 need repairs after intensive fighting. Germany has sent howitzers to Ukraine in response to Russia's attack on the country. The Ukrainian Army actively uses the PzH-2000 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzers, but they reported many problems with howitzers.

According to Spiegel, Kyiv reported that seven PzH-2000 Howitzers gave error messages and needed repair after heavy artillery fire. According to the article, the German Army Bundeswehr believes that the problems are caused by the use of the PzH-2000s by the Ukrainian Armed Forces with a high rate of fire. For this reason, the loading mechanism of the howitzer is under stress. According to the Bundeswehr, the howitzers are designed for 100 fires per day, but Ukrainians fire 300 shells daily. The Bundeswehr promised to quickly send more spare parts packages to Ukraine to solve the problems.German self-propelled howitzers in Ukraine are showing signs of wearAt the same time, the German Government is negotiating with Kraus-Maffei Wegman (KMW) howitzer producer company to set up a repair centre in Poland. In this way, it is aimed to repair the PzH-2000s in Ukraine"s hands much faster.German self-propelled howitzers in Ukraine are showing signs of wearAccording to the report, new issues arose with replenishing ammunition for the Gepard anti-aircraft tank, the first five recently delivered to Ukraine.During test firings in Germany, it was discovered that the Gepard firing system did not recognize ammunition manufactured by a Norwegian company, so the shells must now be improved. The modified ammunition will be tested once more in August.