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Germany Considers acquiring Missile Defense Shield from the United States or Israel

Germany Considers acquiring Missile Defense Shield from the United States or Israel

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has stated that Germany is considering purchasing anti-missile defence systems as part of a military modernisation effort in reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The US-made THAAD missile shield and the Israeli-made Arrow 3 system are among the options under consideration, according to Marcus Faber, defence spokesman for the Free Democratic Party caucus in the German parliament. He stated that no decision had been made.

In an interview with German network ARD on Sunday, Scholz said that anti-missile defence is "certainly part of the topics we are debating, for a good cause."

Scholz discussed the concept with Germany"s armed forces chief of staff, Eberhard Zorn, in the previous week, according to Bild am Sonntag.

According to Faber, Germany"s 12 Patriot air-defence missile units cannot secure the entire country. Scholz"s coalition administration, which includes the Free Democrats, has set aside 100 billion euros ($110 billion) for defence spending.

Germany Considers acquiring Missile Defense Shield from the United States or Israel

According to Faber, the Israeli system, also known as Iron Dome, would likely cost less than 2 billion euros, and production could begin immediately.