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Giant Merging on the naval industry?

Giant Merging on the naval industry?

Reuters reported that Fincantieri General Manager Fabio Gallia declined to comment on Friday about rumours interested in acquiring ThyssenKrupp Marine System (TKMS) in partnership with German defence company Rheinmetall. Fincantieri declined to comment about interest in ThyssenKrupp Marine System.

"We"ll see, no comment on that", Gallia said during a conference call with analysts, asked about the rumours.

Rheinmetall could be a minority partner in an alliance with Fincantieri to buy TKMS. Il Sole 24 Ore reported last month but rumours started two years ago.

Giant Merging on the naval industry?

It was written two years ago that the German group ThyssenKrupp is exploring two strategies for military shipbuilding: the establishment of a national "champion" with other German companies or a joint venture with the Italian giant Fincantieri

At that time, Reuters reported that ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems generates € 1.8 billion in revenues and € 1 million in adjusted operating profit in the last fiscal year. The group has also said that it plans to invest 250 million euros in TKMS by 2023.