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GIDS presents Shahpar-II (Block-II) UCAV at IDEX

GIDS presents Shahpar-II (Block-II) UCAV at IDEX

Pakistan’s most prominent defence conglomerate, Global Industrial and Defence Solutions (GIDS), presented, Shahpar-II (Block II) with armed capability. This MALE class UAV is designed to provide Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities and an offensive strike capability with precision-guided munitions.

The Shahpar-II (Block-II) is equipped with electro-optical (EO), infrared (IR) cameras and SAR for all-weather, day-and-nite surveillance. The UCAV can transmit real-time video and other data to ground stations, allowing operators to monitor and analyse the information in near-real-time.

It has a modular airframe design comprising advanced composite and metallic hybrid structures with an improved aerodynamic design. The Shahpar system includes an autonomous take-off and landing system, a robust autopilot scheme, mission planning, and the capability to integrate various EO payloads.