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Hellenic Navy Receives Three MH-60R Helicopters

Hellenic Navy Receives Three MH-60R Helicopters

Hellenic Navy deployed three Romeo MH-60R Seahawk helicopters today at the Kotroni Air Base in Marathon. Hellenic Navy received three Romeo MH-60R Seahawk helicopters with a ceremony that Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Defence Minister Nikos Dendias attended. "Despite the calm that now prevails in the Aegean, we must not forget that the neighbours from the East are also accelerating their own armament program. Approaches are therefore imposed, but under no circumstances are illusions allowed, and we must all be open-minded but never naive, staying focused on the compass that points to international law, peace and cooperation," said the prime minister. Defence Minister Dendias said in social media, "We are receiving today, at the ceremony, in the presence of Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the Naval Base in Marathon, the new MH-60 ROMEO helicopters. Greece even stronger!".