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Hungary Demonstrates the Gidrán Programme

Hungary Demonstrates the Gidrán Programme

Hungarian Armed Forces benefit from the Gidrán 4x4 armoured vehicle everywhere possible. The vehicle appears on the armed forces website on the main page, and recently it took place at the drill. The YouTube page of armed forces shared several video episodes about the vehicle and the Remote Controlled Weapon Station at the turret.

The two-minute-long video is from an exercise. The 25th György Klapka Rifle Brigade of the Hungarian Armed Forces fired the first shots of the combat vehicle on Tuesday, April 27, at the unit"s shooting range in Szódód. The armed forces informed that the drill included live ammunition and shooting.

Hungary Demonstrates the Gidrán Programme

The Gidrán is a family of new Hungarian armoured tactical vehicles, based on the Turkish Ejder Yalçın vehicles by Nurol Makina.

The development of the Gidrán platform by a new Hungarian joint venture was announced on December 21, 2020, in Budapest. According to the press release, the new company was founded by the Hungarian firm HT Division Zrt, a licensee of Nurol Makina and Rheinmetall Hungary Zrt., itself a joint venture of Rheinmetall Defence and the Government of Hungary.

The primary user will be the Hungarian Defence Forces. The first 50 are being built in Turkey as standard Ejder Yalçın 4×4 with ASELSAN"s SARP turret featuring SEDA directional gunshot detection system.

An initial batch of ten of these Turkish-made vehicles was delivered and already entered Hungarian service in 2020. The program aimed at procuring more than three hundred armoured vehicles, the next phase of which will be implemented as part of Hungarian production and related research and development.

The 25th Infantry Brigade "György Klapka" (Hungarian: MH 25. Klapka György Lövészdandár) is a brigade-sized formation of the Hungarian Defence Forces. The brigade had been restructured several times since its inception more than six decades ago. The predecessor of the brigade was the 17th Heavy tank and Assault Gun Regiment.