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Indian Army has leased four Heron UAVs

Indian Army has leased four Heron UAVs

The Times Now News from India has reported that the Indian Army has leased four Heron unmanned air vehicles from Israel as part of an emergency procurement program.

The news coincides with a press release from IAI (25 January 2021) on the lease of two Herons to an unnamed country in Asia.

According to the publication, The Heron, with the Indian Army for some years, can be particularly effective in intelligence gathering as it is a long-endurance UAV and can be in the air for about 50 hours at a time.

The lease comes with the defence ministry changing the rules and allowing for the leasing of certain weapon systems. Similarly, the Navy has leased Predator drones from the United States.

The Herons apart, the Army has used its emergency powers to ensure thatit has enough ammunition and spares for a two-week war, even if it is on two-fronts, high-level sources said. The emergency powers, given by the government in the wake of the situation in Ladakh, has allowed the army to get necessary spares and ammunition and also, strengthen its anti-tank weaponry and buy much needed anti-aircraft systems.

No photo of UAV was released. TurDef publishes a photo of a Heron to represent the acquisition.