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Indonesia Approved Aselsan’s RCWS

Indonesia Approved Aselsan’s RCWS

Following the disputes between China and Indonesia over the waters of Natuna, Indonesia decided to upgrade its naval weaponry without provoking China. The Indonesian Maritime Security Agency ( Badan Keamanan Laut Republik Indonesia – Bakamla), responsible for the maritime patrol and rescue, decided to upgrade its vessels with Turkish ASELSAN 30 mm RCWS Muhafız (Guardian), which is capable of firing 200 rounds per minute with a 30mm automatic cannon. ASELSAN announced that the firing tests of RCWS have been successfully completed.

Bakamla had proposed the purchase of heavy weapons for the Bakamla Patrol vessel. In August 2020, the Defence Ministry allowed Bakamla to use large-calibre weapons to secure the sea. This aims to maintain the security of the Natuna Sea without deterring the Chinese ships in the waters of Natuna, Indonesia. Indonesian authorities state that the installation of cannons on the Bakamla patrol boat does not include offensive intentions; they will be used for self-defence as Chinese and Vietnamese coast guard ships that, in discussion over Natuna waters, use 70 mm cannons.

In 2020 October, ASELSAN’s official social media account announced that it had signed a new sales agreement for the ASELSAN Remote Controlled Stabilized Naval Gun System that protects Indonesian coasts. This system can be operated remotely using a remote weapon control unit and protection against attacks. SMASH is formed in a configuration consisting of various remote-controlled and integrated sensors, among them as internal electro-optical sensors for autonomous operation and day and night operation. And the gun turret has adopted stabilised turret and automatic target tracking, which includes detecting, tracking and firing functions. All of them are formulated in a ballistic computation system. SMASH can rotate 360 degrees, while the barrel can move between -15 to 60 degrees. In addition to being controlled remotely, this weapon system can be fired automatically with targets assigned from the C3 system or target designator.

Indonesia Approved Aselsan’s RCWSIt is known that at least three vessels (KN Tanjung Datu - KN Pulau Nipah - KN Pulau Marore ) received the and reportedly that Bakamla RI patrol boats will be installed with this weapon. The system was recently tested at one of Bakamla’s patrol vessels.

Indonesia Approved Aselsan’s RCWSChina claims the South China Sea is its territory based on the Nine-dashed Line or nine-dash line. China claims the area is where fishermen have been fishing for centuries, and the Chinese coast guards provide their security. The Nine-dashed Line includes part of Indonesia’s North Natuna waters in the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone. In late 2020, Chinese coastguard vessels entered Indonesia’s EEZ without the involvement of fishing vessels.

Indonesia Approved Aselsan’s RCWSIndonesia Approved Aselsan’s RCWS