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Iran Caught Towing US Unmanned Platform

Iran Caught Towing US Unmanned Platform
The USS Thunderbolt, a US Navy patrol coastal ship, was " operating nearby and immediately responded," according to the Navy. According to a US defence official, after the Iranians attached a line to the maritime drone, US forces communicated directly with the Iranians to say they wanted the drone back.Iran Caught Towing US Unmanned Platform According to the release and a US defence official, the US Navy patrol boat then moved closer to the maritime drone, and the US 5th Fleet launched an MH-60S Sea Hawk Helicopter from Bahrain and positioned it above the unmanned surface vessel.Iran Caught Towing US Unmanned Platform According to the release, the Iranian vessel disconnected the towing line from the US drone and left the area four hours after the US responded with both the coastal ship and the Sea Hawk helicopter. The US Navy then resumed operations "without incident.Iran Caught Towing US Unmanned Platform