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Iran Supports Syria with Air Defence and E/W Systems

Iran Supports Syria with Air Defence and E/W Systems

According to an Iranian national television IRINN TV report, the Iranian defence minister has signed an agreement with Syria's air force and air defence commanders to sell air defence and electronic warfare equipment.

The report stated that Syria"s air force and air defence commanders met with Iran"s defence minister in Tehran. According to the report, Iran will export air defence and electronic warfare equipment to Syria to defend itself against aerial aggression. According to the report, since the 2011 invasion, Iran has aided the Syrian government in its fight against Western-backed terrorism.

Iran Supports Syria with air defence and electronic warfare systems

According to the report, one of the Iranian-made air defence systems that Iran is likely to give Damascus is the "Khrodad 15. The Khordad 15 is an Iranian-designed and built surface-to-air missile (SAM) system unveiled in 2019.

Iran Supports Syria with air defence and electronic warfare systems

Iran Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO) designed the system that detects and intercepts aerial targets.