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Israel Considers 20 mm Gatling Guns for C-UAS

Israel Considers 20 mm Gatling Guns for C-UAS

Israel is reportedly examining the usage of the M61 Vulcan 20x102 mm Gatling gun for countering kamikaze UAVs. Defense News reported that Israel is seeking alternatives to its missile-based solutions that are too expensive for countering UAVs launched by Hamas and Hezbollah. M61 Vulcan 20x102 mm Gatling gun is among the possible new effectors. M61 Vulcan’s only land-based use is currently the U.S.-made Centurion C-RAM based on Mk15 Phalanx CIWS, developed to shoot down incoming mortar and artillery rounds. The most widespread use of the M61 is onboard the Phalanx CIWS and most Western-standard fighter jets. Israel used the M61 Vulcan onboard its retired M163 VADS SPAAGs, but no in-service systems currently use the Gatling gun. M61’s rate of fire varies between 4500 and 6000 RPM due to its multi-barrel mechanism. While a single hit from a 20x102 mm round can bring down most small-sized UAVs, the extreme rate of fire eats through the ammo supply quickly. Turkish RST also works on a 20 mm Gatling gun-based C-UAS solution that pairs the gun with DORUK 3D radar and co-axial EO/IR system. TurDef has learned that the system is expected to begin its firing tests this year.