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Israel Launches New Submarine INS Drakon

Israel Launches New Submarine INS Drakon

Israel has launched its advanced and extended version of Dolphin-II submarine INS Drakon in Kiel. German photographer Helwin Scharn revealed the preparation for the launching activity, and Editor at Kieler Nachrichten Frank Behling revealed the launching as it was kept confidential.

INS Drakon Israel TurDef.jpg

It has the biggest sail ever seen on an Israeli submarine. There are claims that the sail is home to submarine-launched cruise missiles and vertical launch system VLS. It will undoubtedly feature the VLS. The submarine is also considered transition one between existing Dolphin-II and future Dakar class submarines.

There are claims that the large sail could be used as a hangar for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) or loitering munitions.