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Israel offers Tamandaré frigates (MEKO A100) to Greece

Israel offers Tamandaré frigates (MEKO A100) to Greece

According to the Greek defence page “naval defence”, the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) offers four new corvettes/frigates for the Greek Navy. The proposal is based on the design of the MEKO A100 with the armament of the Israeli Sa'ar 6 corvette.

Sa"ar 6 was offered in 2022 by the German shipyard ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS). The Greek Navy, however, rejected the German-Israeli proposal on two fronts. The first was the small displacement of the Sa"ar 6, and the second was the non-adoption of Israeli weapons in any NATO navy.

 Israel offers Tamandaré frigates (MEKO A100) to Greece

Israel offered a 3,500-ton frigate in place of the 1,900-ton Sa"ar 6. The new offer is a Tamandaré class version with Israeli weapons and systems. The Tamandaré is being built for the Brazilian Navy and is based on the TKMS A100 corvette design but in a 3,500-ton displacement version.

The Tamandaré and Sa"ar 6 have similar armament. the Israelis offer the advanced Blue Spear instead of the anti-ship Gabriel V. The ship is also offered with a RAM launcher of 21 missiles, but the C-DOME remains available if requested. The ship does not come with the Sa"ar 6 fixed panel radar. Israel also offers the STRALES in the 76mm main gun.

 Israel offers Tamandaré frigates (MEKO A100) to Greece

The A100/Tamandare for the Brazilian Navy will carry the Atlas Elektronik ASO 713/723. The ship can also support S-70 & MH-60R helicopters.