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KARAOK Missile Gets Ready for Duty

KARAOK Missile Gets Ready for Duty

Roketsan shared a video from the test firings of the KARAOK anti-tank missile system on its social media accounts. Roketsan said, “Our KARAOK Short Range Anti-Tank Gun, which will strengthen the power of our Armed Forces, once again proved its power and technological success in the field by hitting its target accurately with successful test firings.”
During the trials, KARAOK was fired against the targets at distances of 500, 1000 and 1500 meters. The Missile hit the target as a direct attack or top attack mode. A retired main battle tank was shot in top attack mode, as one of the weakest points of main battle tanks is the upper areas where the armour thickness is the least.

Karaok tank top attack TurDef.jpg
The KARAOK Anti-Tank guided Missile is a Fire-and-Forget missile that is effective day and night due to its Imaging Infrared Seeker. The Missile is expected to enter the Turkish Armed Forces inventory soon.