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LM Declares its Test Results for NGI

LM Declares its Test Results for NGI

US Ground-based Midcourse Defence system program is getting ahead of schedule according to the competing companies’ announcements. Lockheed Martin said it proved that the communications system in its version of the NGI could operate through harsh and adversarial environments it could encounter during flight.

The prototype testing occurred at their facility in Sunnyvale, California, earlier this year. Lockheed Martin did not disclose the specific timing of this test, other than noting in 2022. Northrop Grumman, the competitor company on the program, announced on Tuesday that the company is ahead of schedule about the preliminary design review (PDR) and is ready for manufacturing.

In 2021, the Missile Defence Agency (MDA) chose Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman to perform initial technology development and risk reduction work for NGI.

MDA intends to keep the competition open at least during the Critical Design Phase (CDP), with both competitors conducting intercept and salvo tests with their designs before deciding on a single winner.

LM Declares its Test Results for NGI

Lockheed Martin argued the demonstrated technology is vital because it provides in-flight situational awareness, ensuring elements of the interceptor can respond to threats.

“Early demonstrations like this allow us to learn as we go and manage risk. This milestone continues the NGI team’s successful early and often testing cadence of critical technologies within our digital system design as it matures in alignment with our Developmental Evaluation Framework,” Sarah Reeves, vice president and program manager of the NGI program at LM, said in a statement.

Reeves said she could not disclose the subsequent tests but confirmed more are upcoming, and the company is somewhat ahead of schedule.

“Right now, we’re on schedule, a little ahead of schedule, of our PDR as well. And this is just another milestone showing that we’re able to do that maturity on a faster schedule.”

Reeves claimed that the LM is ready for production as well. The company also expects its first NGI to be delivered in the fiscal year 2027.