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M60T Tanks to get New Capacity

M60T Tanks to get New Capacity

M60T tanks, one of the most essential “striking forces” of the Turkish Armed Forces on the ground, are gaining new capabilities. According to Anadolu News Agency, the “Contract for the Project for Adding Additional Capability to M60T Tanks (TİYK-M60T Project)” was signed between the Defence Industry Agency (DIA) and ASELSAN.

The TİYK-M60T Project started with developing the National Fire Control System Volkan-M, within the scope of the Fırat M60T Project, to replace the foreign-origin fire control system in the tanks.

Volkan-M Tank Fire Control System provides simplified system architecture, effective day and night vision, a high probability of hit at the first shot, and fire control functions in stationary or mobile targets at combat, terrain, and weather conditions to give tanks the highest level of firing capability in combat conditions.

M60T Tanks to get New Capacity