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Macron is also furious at neutral Switzerland over the F-35 deal.

   Macron is also furious at neutral Switzerland over the F-35 deal.
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Due to Bern"s procurement decisions, Federal President Guy Parmelin will not travel to Paris in November, according to the Swiss daily Sonntagszetung.

French President Emmanuel Macron is enraged that Switzerland has decided to purchase the US stealth jet F-35 for 5.5 billion USD.

The Swiss Federal Council recommended that the Swiss parliament purchase 36 F-35A fighter jets in early June. Other contenders included Boeing"s F/A-18 Super Hornet, Dassault Aviation"s Rafale, and an Airbus-led consortium"s Eurofighter.

   Macron is also furious at neutral Switzerland over the F-35 deal.

For about a half-year, Switzerland and France had planned a presidential visit to Paris by Federal President Guy Parmelin. Macron does not want to meet with Parmelin. Furthermore, Paris does not want any high-level bilateral contacts with federal Bern until next summer. The unusual move strains relations between the two countries, as well as between Switzerland and the EU. Macron will assume the presidency of the Council in the first half of 2022. For six months, the French President will be second fiddle in the EU"s Council of Ministers, the member states" decision-making body. This will slow down all the processes between the EU and Switzerland.

France claims to be betrayed by Australia as a multi-billion Euro submarine deal is cancelled. The Australian government headed towards the USA and the UK. Macron called its ambassadors to Canberra and Washington D.C. to show his reaction.