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Meteksan presents its naval soft-kill countermeasure Nazar

Meteksan presents its naval soft-kill countermeasure Nazar

Turkish engineering firm Meteksan Defence exhibits its naval soft-kill countermeasure solution Nazar (‘evil eye’) at Saha Expo. The system was unveiled at International Defence Industries Fair (IDEF) in August. Meteksan offers Nazar with its position on the TF-2000 air defence destroyer this time.

Meteksan’s Nazar will defend surface vessels from incoming optically guided (EO- or IR-directed) missiles and drones. The equipment will be supplied to the Turkish navy for training purposes in 2022. The ground version will be deployed at the naval base for protection in 2022. and the following year, the system will be installed onto a ship.

The Turkish Naval Forces expressed a need for the system.

The Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB) and Meteksan signed a deal in 2015 to develop a broadband laser soft-kill capability against EO/IR guided missiles to protect critical bases and facilities.

The position of Nazar was known on paper. It was stated without mentioning the name. Meteksan’s exhibition gives it a name and a spot aboard the vessel. It will be located in front of the ship, near the main naval gun, and in its rear right before the heliport.