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MİDLAS Conducts Test Launch

MİDLAS Conducts Test Launch

Roketsan conducted a test launch for the Turkish indigenous vertical launch system MİDLAS (Millî Dikey Atım Lançer Sistemi / Indigenous Vertical Launch System / VLS).

MİDLAS Conducts Test Launch

MİDLAS is developed for naval vessels. During the trial, Hisar RF air defence missile was launched. The vertical launch system will be integrated into TCG İstanbul frigate next year. The first phase will provide air defence capability with MİDLAS and Hisar-D RF systems. Turkiye plans to integrate Atmaca, Siper Block-1 and other missiles into indigenous vertical launchers. Turkiye"s Defence Industry Agency (SSB) also plans a land-based version of MİDLAS for harbour and critical infrastructure security requirements.

MİDLAS Conducts Test Launch

Turkiye integrated Mk 41 for gaining RIM-162 ESSM (Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile) capability to Gabya Class (Former Oliver Hazard Perry Class) guided missile frigates. After this, the Turkish Navy planned to acquire Mk 41 VLS for the first four indigenous İstif Class frigates. But the U.S. refused to provide the equipment. After this, Turkiye accelerated the development studies of launchers and systems and caught up with the construction of the first ship. Vertical launch systems offer a 360-degree covering area for missile engagement and reduce reaction time for single or salvo launches. It is almost impossible to detect the load configuration of VLS until launch, so equipment also offers a concealment advantage to the ship. MİDLAS-like launchers also provide the opportunity to launch different kinds of missiles quickly.

MİDLAS Conducts Test Launch

(Photo Credit Anadolu Ajansı)

Roketsan General Manager Murat İkinci spoke to Anadolu Ajansı about the project and said, "Our goal is to launch Hisar-D RF in the first phase, which has been successfully completed. From now on, we are aiming to launch Siper Block-1 from MİDLAS. Atmaca and its equivalent missiles are on our agenda. We aim to meet the requirement for vertical launch on all warships. In this way, Roketsan developed and produced the system for the Turkish Armed Forces and the Turkish Naval Forces, within the scope of the MİDLAS Project."