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MKE's 155 Yavuz is Stuck in Finance Ministry in Malaysia

MKE's 155 Yavuz is Stuck in Finance Ministry in Malaysia

It was previously reported that Malaysia had abandoned the proposed acquisition despite this being denied by Malaysian Defence Minister Datuk Seri Utama Mohamad Hasan. 

Asia Pacific Defense Journal stated that the Ministry of Finance declared the decision in a written statement. The state has decided to cancel the procurement of the Yavuz 155 SPH system, although the Malaysian Ministry of Defence continues to discuss the implementation of this project on a government-to-government basis.

The Malaysian Army has requested the SPH system but has not obtained this artillery weapon. The United States offered to sell 30 M109A5 155 SPH units through Excess Defence Articles (EDA), but this was unsuccessful and was dropped in 2019.


French manufacturing company Nexter has signed an MoU with Advanced Defence Systems (ADS) to promote the CAESAR 6×6 to the Malaysian Army at the DSA 2022 Exhibition. Nexter and ADS are commonly known for supplying the LG1 Mk III cannon currently operated by the 1st Regiment of Royal Artillery.

It was also reported in 2022 that there are discussions with the Slovak company Konstruckta Defence offering the EVA 155 SPH.

With the limitation of Yavuz 155 SPH, opportunities will be opened for SPH producers to offer their products to Malaysia.