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MKEK: PMT is named after "57nci Alay"

MKEK: PMT is named after "57nci Alay"

Mechanical and Chemical Industries Corporation (Makina ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu /MKEK ) has unveiled recently a new machine gun PMT/57A. It was clear that PMT stands in Turkish platform integrated machine gun. The remaining part 57A was obscure to almost all as it does not fit into any category.

MKEK has explained from his social media account what 57A stands for. The tweet said that 57A is a short form of “57nci Alay”. 57nci Alay is a very famous Turkish Infantry regiment who fought in Çanakkale (Dardanelles) in 1915. The Regiment attacked with bayonets against machine guns.

The 57th Infantry Regiment was a regiment of the Ottoman Army during World War I. Established on February 1, 1915, in Tekirdağ and received its regimental colours on February 22, 1915. The Regiment’s Command was given to Yarbay Hüseyin Avni Bey (Arıburnu) on February 23. The Regiment went to Çanakkale and arrived at Eceabat (Maydos) on February 25. After relocating to the Bigali Village on March 26, 1915, they trained until April 24.

MKEK: PMT is named after

On April 25, Australian and New Zealand forces carried out the landing at Anzac Cove. The founder of modern Turkey Mustafa Kemal was a lieutenant colonel. His troops were at Bigalı, a small village off to the east beyond the main range. Mustafa Kemal ordered his whole Regiment to prepare to march to the coast. When they face the invaders, Mustafa Kemal issued his order, “I am not ordering you to attack, I order you to die! In the time which passes until we die, other troops and commanders can take our place! The 57th, being nearest, counterattacked, slowed the invasion and lost about half of its personnel. The 57th Infantry Regiment Memorial commemorates their sacrifice.

MKEK: PMT is named after