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Mock Ski-Jump for Bayraktar TB3 Spotted in Flight Test

Mock Ski-Jump for Bayraktar TB3 Spotted in Flight Test

As the next milestone of Bayraktar TB3 UCAV’s testing phase, Mock Ski-Jump was spotted clearly in the prototype’s 42nd flight test. Up to this point, Bayraktar TB3’s two prototypes have been tested at various altitudes and integrated with indigenous electro-optical systems. The next step on the road to deployment on TCG ANADOLU (L-400) LHD is testing from a runway with a mock ski-jump imitating TCG ANADOLU’s deck. The ski jump is located in Keşan near Edirne province. Bayraktar TB3 is primarily intended to work as a naval UCAV with armed ISR capabilities. The UCAV’s 32-hour endurance and provision for a wide variety of munitions, including guided glide munitions and SUNGUR air-to-air missiles, will form the pillars of its capabilities. SUNGUR is expected to be used as a defence measure. Opponent air platforms will not force the unmanned system to land as Russian fighters did to a US one in the Black Sea. The ASELFLIR-500 electro-optical system has been integrated into the platform. The optic’s 4K day camera, 1280x1024 px MWIR camera, and 35 km laser designation range will provide the UCAV with the necessary observation/target acquisition capabilities. Folding wings of Bayraktar TB3 will allow for the carriage of a large number inside or on deck. Additionally, the landing gears’ strengthened braking will remove the necessity of the arresting gear. In summary, the UCAV has been designed from the ground up to be suitable for LHDs' short-flight decks. Future demonstrations of Bayraktar TB3 in military exercises and tests following its boarding will also contribute to its export potential with a considerable number of LHD operators worldwide.