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Naval Group Constructs the First SNLE 3G Submarine

Naval Group Constructs the First SNLE 3G Submarine

Naval Group begins constructing the first third-generation nuclear-powered ballistic missile French submarine (SNLE 3G). On March 20th, the first third-generation French SSBN steel was cut at the Naval Group shipyard in Cherbourg. This ceremony signals the beginning of hull production for these submarines. The French Navy’s SNLE 3G programme, which began in February 2021, brings together the armed services, the French defence procurement agency (Direction Générale de l’Armement - DGA), the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), and the Naval Group. The program’s first follow-on contract, awarded in February 2021, includes development studies through the end of 2025, as well as long-lead-time procurement, production of the first hull and boiler room components for the first 3G SSBN, and adaptation of Naval Group’s manufacturing resources to the 3G SSBNs’ unique requirements.

Production of the main components of the nuclear boiler room and propulsion system, particularly the tank for the first SNLE 3G, has already commenced at Naval Group’s Nantes-Indret facility. The 3G SSBNs will have several significant technological upgrades over their predecessors. These submarines will be discreet, have advanced detection capabilities, enhanced stealth, high-performance weapons and combat systems, and can carry out deterrence missions until the end of the 2080s. They will also ensure nuclear safety and security and meet modern living standards. Furthermore, the current French SSBNs (SNLE 2G) will benefit from some of these upgrades before the four 3G SSBNs arrive, ensuring the highest possible performance throughout their operational life until the 2050s. The overhaul will benefit the whole French SSBN fleet.