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Navy's Aksungur has MİLSAR now

Navy's Aksungur has MİLSAR now

Turkish Defence Industry Agency (SSB) announced that Meteksan Savunma’s Synthetic Aperture Radar (MİLSAR) is integrated into Turkish Aerospace’s (TUSAŞ) Aksungur UAV. The UAV with additional capability is delivered to the Turkish Navy.

MILSAR SAR/MTI UAV Radar is designed to be used on airborne platforms for intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, deterrence, and attack operations. It has versatile Moving Target Indication (MTI) for detecting and tracking potential targets and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) modes for high resolution and all weather radar imagery, target classification and ground mapping.

Furthermore, using MILSAR in conjunction with an EO/IR sensor in a "slew-to-cue" fashion improves the effectiveness of UAV-UCAV joint operations by maximizing UAV broad-area surveillance and increasing UCAV attack capability.

TurDef has learned that Aksungur has an EO payload in operation, and the integration of MILSAR adds operational capability as predicted. Following the drifting mines that suddenly appeared at the entrance of the Bosphorus, Turkiye started to fly ANKA UAVs over the Black Sea. The ANKA with SAR capability detected the mines on the surface and facilitated the workload.