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Nigerian MOD Visits TUSAŞ to Speed up Atak Delivery

  Nigerian MOD Visits TUSAŞ to Speed up Atak Delivery

Nigerian Air Force announced on the official Facebook account that Nigeria's Defence Minister, Mohammed Badaru Abubakar and the Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar, visited Turkiye to facilitate the speedy delivery of the T129 ATAK helicopters acquired for the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) by the Federal Government. 

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Nigerian defence minister held talks with his Turkish counterpart Yaşar Güler, on bilateral and defence cooperation issues. The Minister and the CAS also visited some selected Turkish companies including Turkish Armed Forces Foundation (TSKGV) companies, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ), Defence Ministry company MKE Inc, Aselsan and Roketsan. Nigerian minister called for improved synergy between the companies and Nigeria through the transfer of defence technology to Nigeria 

Nigeria procured six T129 ATAK helicopters from the Turkish Aerospace Industry, out of which two are to be delivered to the NAF in the coming weeks. The remaining helicopters are expected before the end of the Second Quarter of 2024.